
VESTA and Your Native American Family Roots
by Meira Epstein, C.A., NCGR-PAA

SUNDAY, January 14, 2024

Research which started over 20 years ago has revealed an unexpected conclusion that the asteroid Vesta, in particular combinations in the chart, points to connections, especially family bloodline-connections and roots of the Native American Indians. Further research expanded the definition to connections with Indigenous people in general.
In this webinar we will see how the idea behind it evolved, as well as many chart examples to make the case. The techniques used are the Uranian 90° Dial and Midpoints – which enable us, through precision work, to uncover these surprising connections.

Bio:  Meira Epstein, C.A., NCGR-PAA, has been a professional practicing astrologer since the early 80’s. She is on the New York NCGR Faculty, and the creator and teacher of the NCGR Online Education program, preparing students for all four levels the PAA certification Program, including math & astronomy. Board Member of NCGR-PAA, closely involved with converting the certification exams program into online mode, as well as revising and upgrading the standards. Speaker at national & international conferences. Meira maintains a private-clients and student practice. Additional specialties: Hellenistic/classical astrology, and the Uranian System. Publications: Translations of the Medieval Hebrew astrology texts of Abraham Ibn Ezra (Amazon).  Meira’s extensive knowledge of her Jewish tradition allows her to explore historical Jewish Mysticism and the role of astrology in it. Meira has translated the classical mystical work Sefer YetsirahThe Book of Formation, into English (Amazon).  Her articles have been published in the US & Europe. Meira also had an extended parallel IT career as a computer programmer-analyst.  She served as a Technical Director on the NCGR Board for 4 years, overseeing and leading the development of the NCGR computer system. Website:

The webinar will be presented in Zoom software, available for free on a trial basis at  Please note that the webinar is held in Eastern Standard Time. Visit for time zone adjustments.
A link to the webinar will be sent to all NCGR members by Midnight on Nov. 11, 2022.
A recording of the webinar will be available for viewing on YouTube from Nov. 15, 2022, for approximately 6 weeks.

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 Webinar Recordings are available for viewing only, for 6 weeks after the live presentation. VIEW HERE.