NCGR is now offering “The Foundations of Astrology
A series of free video presentations
for those who wish to become familiar with the basic language of astrology.

Henrik Bisbo:  Synchronicity – a Possible Scientific Explanation of Astrology

Synchronicity is a fascinating concept. The psychoanalyst and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung described this phenomenon as meaningful coincidences. Most of us have experienced these “coincidences,” where just as you are walking along the pavement thinking about an old friend you haven’t seen for years, you bump into him around the next corner. Statisticians and mathematicians will most often consider such events as pure coincidences; however, Carl Jung and the physicist and Nobel Prize Laureate Wolfgang Pauli were not so sure. During the first half of the 20th century both were facing new discoveries requiring alternative explanations within their respective fields of psychology and quantum physics, and they set out to attempt to redefine what we call reality.

Henrik Bisbo, D.F. Astrol.S, has worked with astrology for the past 30 years. In parallel with a career in international shipping, he studied with The Faculty of Astrological Studies in London. Since 2019 he has owned and operated the consultancy company Bisbo Advisory together with his wife, Tinna Bisbo, also D.F.Astrol.S. Bisbo Advisory is occupied with business astrology, particularly team dynamics, team building, workshops and lecturing on a variety of astrological subjects. In collaboration with Tinna, Henrik also writes articles about astrological subjects to both Danish and international astrology magazines and they both teach astrology in Denmark. For more information, please visit their website: