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President, Los Angeles Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
I first learned astrology when I was a young professional singer from my vocal coach. She was also an astrologer, her father had been an astrologer and she would often read my chart after a singing lesson. I am quite sure I am the only one of her students who became a professional astrologer.
What do you do for NCGR?
I have been the president of the Los Angeles chapter since 2018.
What do you do professionally?
I have been a professional astrologer and tarot reader since 1988. I am also an actress and have been a member of the Screen Actors Guild since I was 3 years old.
Would you like to share anything personal?
I have been with my husband, Rick, a Vietnam veteran, for 32 years. I have a daughter, he has a son and they are the same age. We met when they were 7 years old. They have grown up as siblings and we get along well with our exes, so we have a lovely extended family.
Why do you love astrology? Astrology is the greatest symbolic language available for personality analysis and a deep understanding of the cycles of life. It is my great joy to help my clients make the best choices for themselves and to be uplifted and inspired.
President, Sacramento Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
In my mid-20s I was in a bookstore, and I saw a handwritten notecard on the bulletin board that advertised an astrology class. I signed up, and I’ve been fascinated ever since.
What do you do for NCGR?
I currently serve as president of NCGR and chair of the national board. My calling is to get NCGR into alignment with its chart: Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Ascendant.
What do you do professionally?
I am a professional astrologer and personal growth consultant and coach. Using astrology as my guide, I incorporate energy psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and inner-child work in my sessions.
Would you like to share anything personal?
My Jupiter is in Scorpio, so I am attracted to anything metaphysical. I’ve been a Stargate Experience facilitator for 10 years. Combining astrology with the energy from the Stargate has been transformational!
Why do you love astrology? Astrology to me is an invaluable gift, not only for self-awareness but to help others come to know and love themselves. It helps us move out of victim consciousness and connects us to the wholeness of life.
President, San Diego Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
A friend of mine was teaching astrology in her home, and I was interested in learning more about it.
What do you do professionally?
I am a chocolatier at Treats by Tina SD. Our specialty is making peanut brittle and chocolate truffles, among other candy treats.
Why do you love astrology?
It works and there is so much to learn.
President, San Francisco Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
My sister gave me a tarot deck and Angel Arrien’s “The Tarot Handbook” at a time of need when I was 33 years old and, well, one thing led to another.
What do you do for NCGR?
I have been serving as president of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of NCGR since December 4th, 2021 at 1pm PST.
What do you do professionally?
I am a chocolatier at Treats by Tina SD. Our specialty is making peanut brittle and chocolate truffles, among other candy treats.
Why do you love astrology?
It works and there is so much to learn.
President, Rocky Mountain Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
I seem to have always been interested in astrology. The planets were always a source of fascination. The real interest began on January 13, 1993 — of course I have the info! — with my first chart consultation. It blew me away. I knew right then I needed to know more. I've been a member of NCGR since 1993 and a board member since 1998. I’m Level III certified.
What do you do professionally?
Full time in financial services, part time astrologer.
Would you like to share anything personal?
I have one son in college, I walk half marathons, and I’m a 20-year cancer survivor.
Why do you love astrology?
Astrology, for me, helps myself, the world and the universe make sense. Also, forewarned is forearmed. Not to mention the “you can't make this stuff up” moments.
President, Florida Atlantic Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
I was always curious about astrology and I used to do things like buy Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guides to prod me to learn more and give me a reason to apply it. But I didn't use them because I didn't take the time even to learn the glyphs. The interest was there, but I've always had a lot of interests. In 2016, when in my mid-40s and relatively late in life, I very impulsively decided to go to an astrology conference. And that was it. I loved the immersion and variety of topics that astrology has to offer. After that, astrology became an obsession that displaced all of my other interests, unless I could apply astrology to them!
What do you do for NCGR?
I’m the president of the Florida Atlantic chapter. I invite the speakers, reserve the rooms, manage the Zoom and other meeting tech, follow up on memberships and do other logistical and budgetary things. Fortunately, I have a talented and helpful board.
What do you do professionally?
I work for a toy company as a business intelligence analyst. I write queries to retrieve data from the system, and I transform the data into dashboards that people can use to find what they need. Happily, throughout my life, I've always been able to work with both detail and big picture.
Would you like to share anything personal?
My career as a reporting analyst feels very creative to me. It took a while to realize that creativity didn't have to be a set-aside period of a vacation mindset or a retreat. I appreciate being able to feel it in my practical day-to-day work.
Why do you love astrology?
I love how astrology can bring an analytical element to some of the other interests I have. My to-do list is full of cycles analysis that I want to integrate with the subjects that I’m obsessed with and have already studied. I also love how it shows me how to apply my energy and impulses in a more constructive way. Astrology is amazing for showing me a different perspective and helping me see the true dynamics of a situation. As a human, I'm not perfect at that, but astrology sure does help!
President, Northern Illinois Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
I started reading the astrology column in the Chicago Daily News around 1965 and went to the library to learn more. My library had a great astrology section and I was able to begin a life-long education in the subject.
What do you do for NCGR?
I served alternately as President and Vice President of the Northern Illinois Chapter for many years, and also served on the National Board for a few years. I have also worked at many conferences at the registration desk, which was lots of fun.
What do you do professionally?
I am now retired, but I worked at Sears corporate offices, customer service and publishing data research at The Official Airlines Guide corporation, was an Assistant Manager at a Barnes & Noble book store, and did customer service at Ty, Inc (Beanie Babies), as well as writing poems and naming products.
Why do you love astrology?
I find astrology fascinating, and have met some of the most wonderful, kind, and interesting people through NCGR. I have enjoyed being part of this community and helping it to thrive.
President, Chesapeake Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
I got into astrology at a very young age. My Scorpio great-aunt treated all of her Scorpio Sun great-nieces and -nephews a little differently because she knew who we really were underneath, so I knew early on who I “was.” I started reading astrology books in my teens and got a printout of my chart for the first time after I graduated from high school. I’ve been hooked ever since then.
What do you do for NCGR?
I’m the NCGR’s technical director, so I’m responsible for the organization’s IT infrastructure.
What do you do professionally?
I’m a professional astrologer and tarot card reader as well as an ordained minister.
Would you like to share anything personal?
I am the husband of 28 years to my beloved bride, Jennifer, and father to two feline daughters: Pele, born in 2013, at the Sun-Mars conjunction in Aries; and Mia, a Taurus, born in 2019. One of my favorite things is mentoring others and helping them grow. While I have no children of my own, I have quite a big chosen family with a myriad of different titles, including friend, goddaughter, adoptive daughter, niece, nephew, student and mentee. No matter what you call them, I am exceptionally blessed to have all of them in my life — I am humbled and honored to serve them.
Why do you love astrology?
I love astrology because to me, astrology is empowerment. My job as an astrologer is not to make decisions for others, but to provide ways for people to use the information I share to their own benefit. It is an amazing tool that so many are now turning to, and it’s a wonderful feeling to have a skillset making a positive impact on the lives of others.
Why do you love NCGR?
I love NCGR because I have always considered our organization the international gold standard for astrology certification, and we take the process seriously.
President, Boston Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
Self-study, then studying with Betty Caulfield, who was a student of Marc Edmund Jones.
What do you do for NCGR?
I’ve been the president of the Boston chapter since 2019, and its secretary before that. I also edited the Around the World newsletter for more than six years.
What do you do professionally?
I’m a professional astrologer. I teach classes, give talks, work with clients and do some writing.
Would you like to share anything personal?
I am thrilled to be a grandfather!
Why do you love astrology?
It works! Also, what Richard Tarnas calls “a connection to the numinous.”
President, SMARRT/Ann Arbor Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
Astrology has been in my life since I was a kid and people were asking “What’s your sign?” at parties. There weren’t many books available at the time. Eventually I found a teacher and never looked back.
What do you do for NCGR?
I joined NCGR in 2008 and became the president of the Southeast Michigan Astrologers Research Round Table, the Ann Arbor chapter, in 2013. Our group has an annual calendar of luncheons and lectures every year. I’m also the editor of NCGR’s quarterly Memberletter e-zine.
What do you do professionally?
I am a professional astrologer and tarotist and I branched out into lecturing, writing and editing in those fields.
Why do you love astrology?
Astrology has such a wide range of techniques and methods that it’s endlessly fascinating. Working with astrological charts enables me to provide a great road map for my clients. There’s always something new happening in the sky, so there’s always something to discuss. The diversity of people and ideas in astrology is my catnip, and that’s what makes it so enriching to share with others.
President, North Star Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
I first got into astrology by religiously reading my horoscope in the various teen magazines I received as a kid.
What do you do for NCGR?
I am the President for the MN North Star Chapter.
What do you do professionally
For money, I work as a sales administrator for a software company. However, I am working towards having a full time astrological and artistic practice.
Would you like to share anything personal?
Yes, in addition to my love for astrology, I have a love for the arts. I am a painter who also studies fine arts.
Why do you love astrology?
I love astrology because I love learning about ancient esoteric practices. Astrology itself is the study of fate and the celestial influences on the human experience. I find that fascinating.
President, Las Vegas Stargazers Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
My interest was piqued in the late 1960s when my mother gave me a copy of Sun Signs by Linda Goodman. Astrology was only an interest until a psychic medium mentioned I should study it. I had taken classes in many metaphysical modalities for most of my life, and that reading prompted me to study astrology further. I am now a practicing intuitive astrologer.
What do you do professionally?
Professionally, I have several certifications and I see clients for astrological, psychic, and medium readings. Before retiring from the corporate world, I was a senior sales and education manager and trainer, building luxury brands in high-end retail markets in the U.S. and Canada. I also manage several rental properties. I have worked as a certified chiropractic assistant practicing applied kinesiology and touch for health, while being of service in several ways using my degrees in social science to serve others in our community.
Would you like to share anything personal?
I feel that being of service to others is incredibly important. I am involved in and support several organizations for environmental, human and animal rights. My husband and I enjoy traveling, being in nature and learning about other cultures.
Why do you love astrology?
It’s the sense of connection to the universe, something greater than ourselves, our DNA, and understanding cycles, which I believe are the key to understanding ourselves and others. It allows us to experience an ah-ha moment. We have the ability to have a glimpse of clarity and the opportunity to open ourselves up to ideas about how to create a better life and be the best we can be. We can be forewarned and take responsibility to make the changes we need to evolve our souls if we choose to do so. Astrology can give us an understanding of where we have come from and the possibilities of where we are going.
President, New Jersey Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
I became interested in astrology when I read Linda Goodman’s book Sun Signs as a teenager, and I have been studying astrology ever since. I have studied it much more seriously in the last 15 years with courses from NCGR.
What do you do professionally?
I am a graphic designer and an administrator at a nonprofit organization. I also have had side gigs building websites for local clubs and organizations.
Why do you love astrology?
I find astrology fascinating. It helps me understand myself and others better. I feel strongly that it is valid, but I view it as a metaphysical study that is meant to be tested and questioned.
President, New Mexico Enchantment Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
My husband and I had friends who were expecting a baby. Soon after the birth, I heard about an astrologer, Johnny Lister. I made an appointment for a reading for the baby, and Johnny went on to describe each parent based only on the baby’s date of birth. At the end of the session, I asked how I could learn more. “I’m starting a new class tomorrow. Be there,” he said. I was there. A few months later, Johnny was hurrying to leave for a presentation. I asked if I could help him get ready. He said yes, and a few minutes later, he asked if I would like to work as his assistant. Well, yes!
What do you do for NCGR?
I am the president of the New Mexico Enchantment chapter. I have served as president or co-president, with one term as vice president, since our chapter’s inception in 1986.
What do you do professionally?
I have been a professional astrologer since the 1970s. In the last 10 years, I have worked as a property manager, and I have time to do only occasional readings.
Would you like to share anything personal?
Being an astrologer has been a key part of my identity and interest from 1970 to the present. I am so glad and so fortunate that I discovered this wonderful tool for understanding, which has been a guide and an asset throughout my adventure in life.
Why do you love astrology?
I have learned so much about understanding people by looking at their individual birth charts and gaining insight into how they experience the world differently from me. It has been a great, invaluable help in my relationships throughout my adult life. Astrology helps me understand myself and what I am experiencing at any given time, and it helps me understand where others are as I look at their transits, progressions and related influences. I happily share this with friends and relations, and it is rewarding to them and me.
President, Long Island Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
In 1964, in high school, I was studying Renaissance paintings that included astrological symbols. I needed to know their meaning, and I began to look for astrology books. At the time, there weren’t many, but I discovered Mason’s Book Store and met Zoltan Mason in New York City in the late 1960s. Ever since, I have collected books describing, teaching or waxing poetically about astrology.
What do you do professionally?
I’m a professional astrologer, and I offer consultations, private classes and lectures. I co-own a fine arts publishing company and an art gallery; and I’m a professional photographer. I also write, produce videos, curate and direct local, national and international art exhibitions; participate in art forums; and develop websites and social media programs.
Why do you love astrology?
The horizon to learn via astrological study is boundless. My studies of image, philosophy and myth include psychic phenomena, theology, theogony and ontology that incorporate symbolic meaning offering a description of the sky above and the earth below. Symbols and glyphs woven within the circle of time record cultures, read similarly and distinctively connect historically. Astrology offers me a creative, intuitive and objective widow of observation onto where we may stand in the endless dance of time. I love the synchronicity of it all!
President, New York City Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
Like most astrologers, I got into astrology by accident. Uranus is the planet that describes astrology. It is also the planet that represents things that happen from out of the blue, unpredictably and by surprise. I don’t think any of us see it coming. It’s like being hit with a flash of lightning.
What do you do for NCGR?
NCGR is a volunteer organization, and in my 47 years of membership, I’ve volunteered for everything from setting up holiday parties to being chair of the national board. We always welcome and appreciate our members who volunteer their time and talents.
What do you do professionally?
I’m a professional astrologer, but NCGR welcomes everyone from all walks of life and professions. You don’t have to be a professional to benefit from NCGR.
Would you like to share anything personal?
I never realized that my fellow students in my first classes 47 years ago would be my good friends today. And as a teacher for NCGR, I so enjoy when my students form their own relationships and I see them bonding in long-term friendships.
Why do you love astrology?
Let me count the ways: Astrology provides a beginning, a middle and an end to our experiences in life, especially the hard ones. Astrology is as vast as the sky. Astrology gives us a unique language of symbols to understand ourselves and our world. Every day, astrology reminds us that we are a part of nature. Astrology brings together Mother Earth and Father Sky.
President, Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter
How did you get into astrology?
Astrology has interested me from a young age. After teaching myself astrology, I decided to take formal lessons from Donna Henson, the late NCGR Level IV-certified astrologer and author, and haven’t looked back.
What do you do for NCGR?
I lead the 50-year-old group, the Astrological Society of North Texas, which joined NCGR as the new NCGR-DFW chapter 2 years ago, with the help of Leigh Weston.
I have held various chapter positions since 2014 as president, treasurer, and all-around public relations person. During my presidency, I took our group online with hybrid meetings and presenters on the web from around the world. I’ve led our team through three major fund-raising and public-awareness events. Also, with the help of another member, we created beginners lessons, and we are implementing that course to be taught once a year and elevating our members to become NCGR certified.
What do you do professionally?
I am a registered architect, and I own Loeb Architects in Dallas and build senior health-care living facilities and campuses. I am also certified in gerontology, the study of aging. I also head up my subdivision’s architectural control committee.
Would you like to share anything personal?
Looking forward to retiring someday, if I can ever get there!
Why do you love astrology?
Being forewarned is being forearmed! It’s fascinating to see how astrology contributes to one’s perspective on life. I always enjoy when a student has that “green light moment” and it all starts to come together with an understating of astrology and the possibilities shown in a chart!
President, Milwaukee Chapter
What do you do professionally?
I have been an office manager, administrator and administrative assistant for my entire career.
Why do you love astrology?
Psychology, individual and group motivations, communications, writing, design and helping others are my true loves. Astrology marries these interests and talents beautifully.