From Mónica Escalante-Ochoa C.A., NCGR-PAA IV, International Relations Director, NCGR:

NCGR International Delegates is a group of very special NCGR members who are willing to proudly represent and promote NCGR as the best International Astrological Organization in their own countries. NCGR International Delegates Team is different from NCGR Chapters.
     In the year 2021 NCGR International Delegates started giving international webinars in their own language. These webinars were welcome as they were free to all public and the webinar comments showed that having webinars in different languages were a hit as NCGR members and other people expressed how much they appreciated this NCGR generous initiative.  As NCGR International Relations Director, I would like to thank all of the International Delegates who in 2021 volunteered to share their knowledge.
NCGR International Delegates have the following responsibilities:
– To promote NCGR, with the benefits to become a NCGR member.
– To organize one event per year to promote NCGR.
– If possible, promote the NCGR-PAA certification program.

 So far NCGR International Delegates Team is formed by 19 dedicated NCGR astrologers who volunteer some of their knowledge, time and energy to NCGR:

Australia – Zane Stein
Canada – Jennifer Ng
Colombia – Adriana Merchan
China – Rai Liu, President of China Chapter
Denmark – Henrick Bisbo
Italy – Clara Guarnieri
Japan – Terumi Kondo, President of Japan chapter
Mexico – Mónica Escalante-Ochoa, NCGR International Relations Director and President of AstroMéxico Chapter
New Zealand  – Alan Clay,
Peru – Ana Andrade
Poland – Izabela Podlaska, Miłosława Krogulska
Portugal  – Nuno Michael
South Africa  – Nathan Theo Naicker
Taiwan  – Maki S. Zhai, President of Chapter
Thailand – Winai Ouypornprasert, President of Thailand Chapter
Turkey – Baris Ilhan, Advisory board member and President of Turkey Chapter
United Kingdom  – Christeen Skinner, NCGR Advisory Director
Venezuela  – Luis Emilio Rivero Kattar

The 2022 International Webinars program:

February 11th: The Future of Europe, by Christeen Skinner United Kingdom NCGR International Delegate

March 18th: Feminine archetypes in Astrology (Arquetipos femeninos en Astrologia). By: Adriana Merchán; Colombia NCGR International Delegate

April 8th Movers & Shakers – Examining Charts of Environmental & Social Activists & How You Can Awaken the Activist in the Chart  by: Jennifer Ng, Canada NCGR International Delegate

May 13th    An Insider´s Guide to Mercury, by: Zane Stein, Australia NCGR International Delegate

June 10th    Introducing the Southern Tropical Zodiac, by: Nathan Theo Naicker, South Africa NCGR International Delegate

July  8th  Drilling for Success – Astrology Tips  (ขุดเจาะความสำเร็จเคล็ดลับโหราศาสตร์)  by Winai Ouypornprasert ,Thailand  NCGR International Delegate

August 12th  Chart Interpretation Without  Knowing the Birth Time (Interpretación de la carta natal desconociendo la hora de nacimiento) by;  Luis Emilio Rivero Kattar, Venezuela NCGR International Delegate

 September 9th  Astrology and the Shadow, (La sombra y la Astrología) by:
Beatriz Jara, México (supported by Mónica-Escalante-Ochoa, México NCGR International Delegate)

October 14th Planets that Cannot See each Ither: Inconjunct & Yod, (Birbirini Görmeyen Gezegenler: Inconjunct ve Yod)  by Efe Erten, Turkey (supported by Baris Ilhan, Turkey NCGR International Delegate)

November 11th    Aromatherapy and Astrology by Teiko Mikami (supported by Terumi Kondo, Japan NCGR International Delegate)

 December 9th    The Progressed Sun and Major Life Transitions, (Progresywne Słońce i wielkie życiowe przemiany)   by Miłosława Krogulska Poland NCGR International Delegate