When you join NCGR, you not only get access to discounts on events and publications, but you will also be embraced by a global astrological community with years of expert knowledge.
When you join the National Council for Geocosmic Research, you become a member of a worldwide astrological community of professionals, committed students and enthusiasts who are dedicated to education, research and raising astrology’s standards. NCGR’s advisory board includes the most knowledgeable and experienced astrologers on the planet.
NCGR is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in the United States, and membership dues are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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The Lucy Titunik Fund
The Lucy Titunik Fundwas set up to assist astrologers who are in need of financial help to pay medical bills. Lucy Titunik was a long-time member of NCGR who became ill; the fund was created to help her with medical expenses. Out of this, a standing-fund was created for health and welfare. This fund was established knowing that many astrologers lack sufficient health insurance, and as a result find themselves in hardship during already stressful times. NCGR has two different Titunik Funds. Titunik Fund I is for any astrologer. Titunik II is only for professional astrologers. Click here to donate.